Kiddie academy cancellation policy

The hours of operation will be Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am. to 5:30 p.m. (Due to Covid and the extensive cleaning required at the end of the day, we now require children to be collected by 5.15 p.m. if possible).

Full day programs: Children may be picked up from 3:00 p.m. through 5:15 p.m.

Any child picked up later than 5.30 p.m. will be charged an additional $5.00 per minute

Days of Operation:
The school will be open Monday through Friday, for 12 months of the year. However, the school will honor all public holidays, and will be closed at such time. On occasion a “Teachers Day” holiday or workshop may be scheduled either prior to that day or the day after the public holiday. We will be closed for a week prior to the “Cupmatch Holiday” each year, for general maintenance to the school. In the event of bad weather conditions i.e., Hurricane or windstorm, please listen to ZBM 1340 radio station or check our Facebook Page. They will announce any school closings. If school is already in session and the weather has taken a turn for the worse, please pick your child up immediately. Again, check with the radio station for announcements. In either case, please use your own discretion. DON'T TAKE UNNECESSARY RISKS.

Kiddie Academy II provides a clean and spacious environment in which your child is cared for by kind and loving teachers. Our staff are certified in ECE, CPR and First Aid. Please review the important information that follows for information on our policies and procedures and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

We supply the highest quality materials possible. Students are allowed to interact with the materials of their own choosing. However, willful damage of the equipment will not be allowed, and the parents will be held responsible for the replacement of that item at their own expense.

Discipline Policy:
We wish to foster self discipline by helping children understand that they have choices to make, not only through activities but behavior as well. In rare cases, it may be necessary for a child to take “QUIET TIME” or “TIME OUT” to regain control. During this period, a child is required to sit quietly on a chair in the classroom for a short period of time. At no time will any corporal punishment ever be administered upon a child in our care.

Kiddie Academy may refuse or withdraw a child the privilege of attending the school due to behavior that may be physically harmful to themselves, their peers, or staff members. At no time will any biting of others be permitted. In the unfortunate event that a biting episode has occurred, the parents will be notified on the first occasion. If however, this behavior continues from the same child, we will have to ask the parents to assist us in reminding their child that biting hurts. Please help us to enforce the fact that this is totally unacceptable behavior at anytime.

Kiddie Academy has a no tolerance policy for BULLYING. This applies to staff, students, parents/clients, and their family members.

NAEYC: We the management and staff of Kiddie Academy follow the principles from the: NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT.

In Summary This Code Teaches That:

We Are Asking That All Of Our Clients Do Their Part In Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas By Practicing The Following Behaviors:

We thank you for your cooperation and consideration of the above matters!

Medical or Dental Form:
The school requires the filing of a medical / dental form on an annual basis, and an updated information sheet for all students. Any change in the health of a student or any social conditions of a student i.e. asthma, must be reported to the school. This information will be kept confidential.

Sick days:
If any child is absent for any reason, the parent must notify the school and report the problem. Should the problem be contagious, the teacher will take the appropriate action and inform the parents of the other students. If a child becomes too sick to remain in school, the parents will be notified immediately for pick up.

Infectious Diseases:
Infectious diseases can spread quickly, being a threat to students and teachers alike. Diseases such as CONJUNCTIVITIS, MEASLES, RING WORMS, CHICKEN POX, IMPETIGO or MUMPS must be reported to the school immediately. A doctor's certificate will be required upon the child's return to the school.

Sick/wellness Policy (Covid Policy Updates)

We require all sick children and staff to stay home. All parents of the students at Kiddie Academy will need to review these updated and implemented sick policies.

All parents will be required to sign the copy of this document (which you will receive in your child’s student file upon commencement) to confirm that they are aware of the following updated policies.

All parents must also update their child’s emergency contact list whenever a change occurs and speak with other family members or persons about securing alternative care, in the event their child is sick and unable to attend school, or there is an emergency which requires the school to temporarily close.

To reduce the spread of germs we will be taking a FIRM STANCE on these policies: All parents must be mindful of the importance of keeping their child/children home when they are sick.

Exclusion From Childcare Or School

The primary reasons for exclusion from childcare or school are that the condition:

Exclusion From Childcare Or School Continued

A child with respiratory symptoms (cough, runny nose, or sore throat) and fever should be excluded from our program. The child can return after the fever associated with these symptoms has resolved (without the use of fever-reducing medicine).

To reduce the risk of becoming sick with the flu, our staff and students should consider receiving all recommended immunizations, including the flu vaccine. The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year. The flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, including childcare staff.

Note: Children 6 months through 8 years of age may need two doses spaced one month apart to get the full benefit. These children should receive their first dose as soon as the vaccine is on hand in their community.

Conditions That Require Exclusion Include:

Parking Facilities / Drop Off and Pick Up:
Parents are asked to park in available spots on Laffan Street. Please avoid double parking as this may cause traffic congestion. The children will either be playing in their designated classrooms, or in the playground areas.

You Supply:
We ask that you send an extra set of clothing, and the required amount of diapers/pull-ups (if required) for your child at the beginning of each week. Please ensure that all articles of clothing are clearly labeled and stored in a drawstring bag to hang on your child’s hook. You will also need to provide a towel for nap time. This will be placed on top of the cots for sanitary purposes.

Lunch Box:
All students need to bring a packed lunch each day. Please encourage healthy eating. Please do not send junk foods such as chips, gum, candies, or chocolate bars. If everyone eats healthy, no one will have to feel different.

Hot Lunch On Fridays:
As mentioned earlier, there will be free hot lunch provided for all students at Kiddie Academy every Friday of each week. The choices will be pizza, hot dogs, or chicken nuggets (on a rotating basis). If your child does not eat any of these choices, please send in their own packed lunch for that day. Check the white board in the front entrance to the school. It will let you know what the lunch choice for the following Friday will be. . (Unfortunately, due to Covid we are no longer able to offer the hot lunch program)

Snack Duty:
Each week, one child in each class will be chosen to bring fruit or healthy snacks for his/her classmates. You will need to provide the fruit/morning snack for each of the children in the class, for each day that week. Please remember, one apple will feed approx. 4 children. We will prepare the snack at school, and your child will be allowed to serve his/her classmates for the week. This will instill sharing, and manners. The children will enjoy being “the server”. The rota for snack duty will be posted on the class bulletin board, and a reminder note will be sent home with the child responsible for the following week’s fruit. (Unfortunately, due to Covid we are no longer able to offer the snack duty program)

School Notes:
Any correspondence will be put in your child's school bag/lunchbox. Please check your child's bag on a daily basis for any notes.

Birthdays may be celebrated at school. Please refrain from sending in horns or candy.

Pure Water:
Whenever your child is supplied with an extra drink at school, we guarantee that it will always be “PURE WATER” drinking water.

Parents Off Island Or Alternative Pickup Arrangements:
If at any time you will be off the Island, or for any reason have made alternative arrangements for the collection of your child, please advise us of the name and contact numbers for the person or persons whom you have given the responsibility of the care of your child. Your child will not be released to a stranger without your consent.

Late Arrivals:
The school day will begin at 9.00 am. Students are expected to be in on time. Late arrivals are disruptive to the class.

Covid Guidelines For Parent Pick Up And Drop Off:

To reduce congregating or pooling of parents at the two entrance gates, please follow these guidelines:
All pick- ups and drop offs should be conducted outside of the facility

Toys From Home:
Please encourage your child to leave his or her own personal toys at home. We will have plenty of things to entertain your child, whilst on the premises. This will ensure fewer disruptions in the classroom and no lost “treasures”.

Admission and Fees

All fees are due and payable on the first of the month . A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for fees paid after the 10th of the month.

Failure to pay fees by the end of the month willresult in you being asked to remove your child from the school; the remaining unpaid fees will still be due and payable. If we are not in receipt of one month (30 days) written notice of your intentions to withdraw your child from our program, you will becharged for the next month’s fees.

To download our Admission Application Form click here.

Baby & Toddler Classes
$1350.00 per month / 5 full days
$1000.00 per month / 5 half days
$1250.00 per month / 4 full days
$1150.00 per month / 3 full days
$1050.00 per month / 2 full days

Transition & Preschool
$1350.00 per month / 5 full days
$1000.00 per month / 5 half days
$1250.00 per month / 4 full days
$1150.00 per month / 3 full days

Upon acceptance of your child, a $350.00non-refundabledeposit will be required to hold your child's place.

Weoffera 10% sibling discount for two or more students from the same household/immediate family.

If your child will be away on vacation at anytime throughout the school year, his/her school feeswillstill be due and payable.

Part Time Students:

Due to strict ratioregulationsfromthe DOH, the days/times that you selectfor your child to attend each weekMAY NOTbe substituted should your child be out sickon the day that they would normally attend,or a public holidayhappens tofallon one of those scheduled days.