This information explains the student’s official academic record at SUNY Brockport.
There is no purpose/scope provided for this policy at this time
There is no applicability provided for this policy at this time
The transcript is the University’s official record of both your attendance at this institution and your academic performance. That is, it contains your dates of attendance, a list of all the courses you took, all the academic credit you received for these courses, and the grades you earned in the process. Also, it contains information on whether or not you were ever dismissed, for academic or other reasons. If you were granted credit towards your degree from another institution or any other source, your transcript contains this information as well (although not the list of specific courses or grades, just the total number of credits accepted.)
When a course is entered onto your transcript, it is there to stay. Courses that you drop during the first four weeks of the semester don’t show on your transcript. But if you withdraw later in the semester, the course will show permanently on your transcript. Similarly, if you repeat a course, your previous attempt, together with the grade earned, stays on the transcript. The previous grade no longer counts in your cumulative GPA, but the record of your having taken the course remains.
Transcripts are either official or unofficial. If you need an unofficial copy for your own information, is available online. When signed on to Web Banner, go to Student Services, then Student Records and then Academic Transcript. You can print it for your own use.
If a graduate school, an employer, or another college needs to see your transcript, however, they want an official one. Official transcript requests are not accepted by mail, fax or email. Requests for official transcripts must be ordered online. The Office of Registration and Records has contracted Credentials Inc. to manage all official transcript request orders. Your official transcript is maintained by the State University of New York Brockport and is bound by the federal law FERPA (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.)
You must provide your Brockport Banner ID number or your SS#, a valid email address and a valid credit card number in order to use this service to place an order. You will receive confirmations of your order, its status and any issues that may need your attention. If problems arise, Credentials Inc. must be able to communicate with you. If communication isn’t possible, your order will be automatically cancelled after 30 days.
If there is a hold on your record, it must be cleared with the department/office that placed the hold there before the transcript can be released. You will receive an email from Credentials Inc. regarding any holds and will be given the telephone number of the department/office to contact regarding clearance. Once cleared, Credentials Inc. will automatically notify Registration and Records to release the transcript.
Unofficial transcripts can be accessed through Web Banner for students who were in attendance at SUNY Brockport in 1983 and later. When signed on to Web Banner, go to Student Services, then Student Records and then Academic Transcript.
Students who attended Brockport prior to 1983 must send a signed request to the Office of Registration and Records for an unofficial transcript. Please note that an unofficial transcript will only be sent to the student’s home address. Unofficial transcripts are free of charge.
To complete a transcript order form, click Transcript Request Information from the options to the left and follow the prompts to order the transcript. You can check the status of your order through Credentials Solutions at any time online.
Questions regarding the status of an online transcript order should be directed to Credentials Inc. at (847) 716-3005.
Item | Date | Explanation |
Next Review Date | 2019-07 | Five-year review |
Adoption Date | 2014-07 | Policy Adopted |
Draft Review Date | Draft Policy under 30-day Campus Review |
There are no approvals for this policy at this time.