A Room Mom Introduction Letter Sets You Up for Success With Classroom Parents

Room Mom, classroom coordinator, head mom in charge, the one with all the answers. Maybe you had a grueling battle and came out as the Mom on top. Or, maybe, you were the sole parent volunteer. Whatever the case may be, here are helpful tips on how a terrific Room Mom Introduction Letter will set you up for success with the rest of the classroom parents. Depending on the school district and the age of the students, the Room Mom often plays a vital role in helping the teacher coordinate needed parent volunteers or parent donations for projects or celebrations throughout the school year.

Table of Contents

Creating a Class List

Undoubtedly one of your first Room Mom duties will be setting up a class list. Google Docs will be your jam. You can share it with those who have Gmail or easily download it as PDFs or .doc files.

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Pro Tip: Check with your school on their policy of sharing emails. Most schools give out a media opt-in form at the beginning of the year. This is something that can be included in your Room Mom Introduction Letter.

Room Mom Introduction Letter

After you have established your class list and emails, you will want to introduce yourself as Room Mom. Keep your Room Mom Introduction Letter short and sweet. Start by saying who you are and who your child is. Often we only know parents as “so-and-so’s Mom or Dad.” We’ve included an awesome and detailed Room Mom Introduction Letter for you to use as a template when writing your own letter, that you can download below.

Create Unanimous Class Surveys

Want to get your class parents’ opinion? Some prefer commenting unanimously. Making a quick survey can help to get some easy feedback without flooding your inbox. Your class parents can take them within seconds. Google Docs will easily graph the results in a pie chart, letting you know exactly what was the favorite of the class. You can let the classroom parents know in your Room Mom Introduction Letter to expect a few short surveys from you each semester.