Lowndes county schools application

The Lowndes County Schools will continue to maintain this site with communications and resources throughout our closure.

Browse the site navigation to view the available resources.

Home Internet Access Survey

Our school system needs your assistance in mapping internet access across our county. We are encouraging all families to participate in a short survey so we can better understand the challenges our students face with online learning. With the results of this survey, we will have valuable information to use to persuade state and federal authorities to dedicate more resources to providing internet access in our community.

The survey can be taken from any computer or smartphone. To complete the survey you will need to have the 5-digit lunch number for each of your children who will be attending a Lowndes County school in the 2020-2021 school year. (The lunch number is the last five digits of the student number). We are asking that you complete this short survey for each child who will be attending a Lowndes county Schools district school in the 2020-21 school year.

If you do not have internet access, we still want to add you to the survey! Please call 229-316-1864 and leave your telephone number. We will contact you to collect your information for the survey.

Encuesta de Internet en Casa

Nuestro sistema escolar necesita su ayuda para saber quién tiene y quien no tiene acceso a Internet en todo nuestro condado. Estamos motivando a todas las familias a participar en una breve encuesta para que podamos comprender mejor los desafíos que enfrentan nuestros estudiantes con el aprendizaje en línea. Con los resultados de esta encuesta, tendremos información valiosa para persuadir a las autoridades estatales y federales para que dediquen más recursos para facilitar acceso a Internet en nuestra comunidad.

La encuesta se puede tomar desde cualquier computadora o teléfono inteligente. Para llenar la encuesta, deberá tener el número de almuerzo de 5 dígitos para cada uno de sus hijos que asistirán a una escuela del condado de Lowndes en el año escolar 2020-2021. (El número de almuerzo son los últimos cinco dígitos del número de estudiante). Le pedimos que llene esta breve encuesta para cada niño que asistirá a una escuela del distrito de las Escuelas del condado de Lowndes en el año escolar 2020-21.

Si no tiene acceso a Internet, aún queremos que participe en la encuesta. Llame al 229-316-1864 y deje su número de teléfono. Nos comunicaremos con usted para tomar su información y ayudarle a llenar la encuesta.

Need someone to talk to in these challenging times? Lowndes County Schools Nutrition Program Meals end May 29

The Lowndes County Schools Nutrition Program ended its meals program with the meal distributions on Friday, May 29. Continue to check our Meals Page for information on community resources for meals during the summer.

We have received requests about providing instructional resources so our students can remain actively engaged while they are away from the classroom. We created a separate website, one.lowndes.k12.ga.us, which includes directions for accessing instructional programs through Clever for grades 2-8, as well as other resources our certified staff felt would benefit our students.

As students begin working through the instructional activities, our teaching staff will be available during normal school hours to monitor their school email and can address any concerns or questions students or parents may have. Should you or your child have a question, your teachers may be reached by email, Remind, or Class Dojo. If you have problems logging into Clever (grades 2-8), please send an email to portal@lowndes.k12.ga.us with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and grade level. Students can access these activities online via Google Classroom, their Lowndes County student email (grades 6-12), or at this site, one.lowndes.k12.ga.us.

We are fortunate to be a part of a community that ensures our children have the support and services they need to be successful. The instructional review activities were not created to burden our families. We wish to provide this service for our families seeking our assistance in providing instructional support during this time.

Until we receive further instructions, please continue to practice the safeguards as directed by our Federal, State, and local health officials. We will continue to provide academic support and COVID-19 updates as they develop on our website.