Nebraska Purchase Agreement Templates

A Nebraska purchase agreement is a legally binding contract between buyer and seller. The purchase agreement contract contains specific information to protect both parties involved in the contract. A purchase agreement is not required for all purchases in Nebraska but is useful when large sums of money change hands.

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Here are a few examples of when you may want to use a Nebraska purchase agreement.

Nebraska Real Estate Purchase Agreement

If you are buying or selling real estate in Nebraska, you will need to use a purchase contract. More specifically, you’ll use a real estate purchase agreement. This agreement will need to list contact information for both parties and a detailed legal description of the property.

Nebraska Real Estate Purchase Agreement - Templates.Legal

There is no official real estate or home purchase agreement provided by the state of Nebraska, but if you are working with a realtor, they’ll provide the real estate form or contract for you. If you are working without a realtor, refer to this consumer guide to buying or selling a home generated by the Nebraska state government.

Nebraska Business Purchase Agreement

A business purchase agreement is a contract generated by a prospective buyer that will need to be agreed to by the business owner. A Nebraska business purchase agreement is not a form generated by the state, as the terms of each contract will vary.

<a href=Business Purchase Agreement - Templates.Legal" width="1275" height="1650" />

The University of Nebraska provides a detailed guide to purchasing a business and gives resources on generating a business purchase agreement.

Nebraska Asset Purchase Agreement

A purchase agreement for general assets is valuable if you are involved in the legal transfer of a high-value asset. An asset purchase agreement needs to have an in-depth description of the property, contact information for all persons, and a description of the terms of the sale.

Asset Purchase Agreement - Templates.Legal

Nebraska Land Purchase Agreement

In Nebraska, land without a dwelling is still considered real estate. To draw up a Nebraska land purchase agreement, list the terms of the sale and the legal description of the property.

Nebraska Land Purchase and Sale Agreement - Templates.Legal

The land purchase agreement will need signatures from both parties and notarization. Notarizing will ensure that the contract is legally binding.

Nebraska Stock Purchase Agreement

The Federal Securities and Exchange Program, otherwise known as the SEC, governs stock purchase agreements. There is no stock purchase agreement that is specific to Nebraska.

Stock Purchase Agreement - Templates.Legal

A stock purchase agreement will be unique to the brokerage firm from which you bought your stock. This is a guide provided by the SEC detailing the laws that govern a stock purchase agreement.


Need more information? Here are the answers to the most common inquiries about purchase agreements in Nebraska.

Can you back out of a Nebraska purchase agreement?

Whether or not you can back out of the purchase agreement depends on the terms written into the contract.

Does a Nebraska purchase agreement need to be notarized?

For the contract to be legally recognized, it must be notarized.

What does a Nebraska purchase agreement include?

It includes detailed terms of the agreement and the contact information of the parties involved.

Is a Nebraska purchase agreement legally binding?

Yes, if the purchase agreement has been signed by both parties and notarized.