Mortgage Documents: A Guide To What You’ll Need When Applying

When you reach the application stage in the mortgage process, you’ll need to present a variety of documents to your prospective lender. These mortgage documents will include information regarding your personal finances, personal identification, and the property you’re hoping to purchase.

Knowing ahead of time which documents to prepare can help keep your mortgage application on track. The exact documents you’ll need may depend on the particular lender you work with, as well as your employment status and other variables. Let’s have a look at some commonly required mortgage documents.

Identification Documents Needed For A Mortgage

First and foremost, a lender needs proof they’re dealing with the real you. Make sure you have the following means of personal identification:

Some lenders may require two or more forms of photo ID, so it might be a good idea to have multiple forms of identification on hand.

Income And Employment Documents For A Mortgage

Other mortgage requirements include documented proof of your income, employment and any other financial assets you have. These can tell a lender whether you make enough to afford the mortgage you’ve applied for, as well as other monthly expenses you have.

Be prepared to provide any or all of the following income documents:

Financial Documents For A Mortgage

In addition to records of your income and employment, you’ll also have to provide documentation showing your personal finances are in good standing. This will give lenders a sense for your creditworthiness.

Have the following financial documents on hand when applying for a mortgage:

In addition to all of these documents, you’ll need to grant a mortgage lender permission to make an inquiry into your credit report. This allows a lender to view your credit score and determine your creditworthiness for the mortgage. Be aware that this credit check can affect your credit score slightly.

Down Payment Documents For A Mortgage

You’ll need documentation that proves you have the funds for a down payment. The documents you have to produce may depend on where you plan to source your down payment funds.

Property Documents For A Mortgage

Finally, lenders require information about the property you’re using the mortgage to buy. This documentation can include:

What Documents Do Self-Employed Home Buyers Need?

Lenders may require some additional documentation from self-employed home buyers, since their income can be seen as less stable than income from a third-party employer. Self-employed borrowers should prepare to submit the following:

The Bottom Line

There are a lot of steps to a mortgage application, but being prepared and organized ahead of time can make the process go that much smoother. While you may not need to provide all of the documents listed above, having them on hand can save you a lot of time when submitting your mortgage application. Your situation may require additional documentation, so speak with a mortgage expert or your real estate agent to make sure you have everything you’d need.

Ready to purchase your new home? Start the mortgage process today with Rocket Mortgage Canada, UL (Rocket Mortgage™).