Online Filing Instructions

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. The law includes the state excise tax be imposed upon the importation of beer and wine. The tax rates as they relate to the importation of beer and wine are located on the tax rates page for Special Taxes and Fees, under Alcoholic Beverage Tax.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed beer and wine importer is required to electronically file a Beer and Wine Importer Tax Return and a Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule (if applicable), of all beer and wine imported for the reporting period, on or before the 15th day of each month, following the reporting period (Regulation 2538). A return must be filed each reporting period regardless of whether or not any tax is due. Remittance for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return and schedule (if applicable), must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Note: A wine grower holding both a winegrower’s license and a beer and wine importer’s license is required to report wine transactions on the Winegrower Tax Return and Wine Imported into California schedule.

A beer manufacturer holding both a beer manufacturer’s license and a beer and wine importer’s license is required to report beer transactions on the Beer Manufacturer Tax Return and Beer Imported into California schedule.

Penalty and Interest

The following penalty charges may be assessed for filing a late return and/or late payment:

Interest also applies to late payments for each month or fraction of a month that the payment is late. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32252)

Schedule Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you import beer and/or wine into California during this reporting period that you will NOT be reporting on another related Beer Manufacturer or Winegrower account?

If you received shipments of beer and/or wine from a point outside of California (imports) during this reporting period that you will not be reporting on another related Beer Manufacturer or Winegrower account (Regulation 2538), select Yes.

If you did not receive any imports of beer and/or wine during this reporting period, or will be reporting transactions on another related Beer Manufacturer or Winegrower account, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-269-BW, Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule to your return?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the schedule, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-269-BW schedule, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Schedule section, click the Upload Schedule button to upload the excel file.

Beer and Wine Imported into California (Schedule 269-BW)

To manually complete CDTFA-269-BW, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Name of Shipper. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California. Often times this will be the information of the individual or business you purchased the product from.

Shipper’s Country. Select the name of the country where the shipment originated from.

Shipper’s State. If the state where the shipment originated from is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Common Carrier. Enter the name of the common carrier transporting the shipment into California.

Common Carrier’s CDTFA Account Number. Enter the common carrier’s nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Alcohol Common Carrier accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.
Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Purchased From. Enter the complete name of the person or business the beer or wine was purchased from.

Beer Vendor’s CDTFA Account Number. Enter the beer vendor's nine-digit CDTFA account number, if applicable. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Beer Vendor accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment’s invoice number.

Date Received. Enter the date the beer or wine was received.

Beer – Case Gallons (divide total ounces by 128). Enter the total gallons of case beer contained in the shipment by dividing the total ounces by 128.

Beer – Keg Gallons (multiply barrels by 31). Enter the total gallons of keg beer contained in the shipment by multiplying the number of barrels by 31.

Note: Do not include beer purchased from another California licensee, such as a California beer manufacturer or beer and wine importer. If you also hold a Beer Manufacturer’s license, report your beer transactions on your Beer Manufacturer Tax Return and Beer Imported into California schedule. (Regulation 2538)

Wine Not Over 14 % (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent alcohol contained in the shipment.

Wine Over 14 % & Hard Cider (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent alcohol and hard cider contained in the shipment.

Sparkling Wine (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all wine in wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Note: Do not include wine purchased from another California licensee, such as a California wine grower or beer and wine importer. If you also hold a Winegrower’s license, report your wine transactions on your Winegrower Tax Return and Wine Imported into California schedule. (Regulation 2538)

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Beer and Wine Imported into California screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Transactions of Beer

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Case beer imported into California (total from CDTFA-269-BW). The total case gallons of beer imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Keg beer imported into California (total from CDTFA-269-BW). The total keg gallons of beer imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Total taxable transactions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Exported from California (do not include purchases made in California). Enter the total gallons of beer imported that were exported outside of California during this reporting period. Do not include beer purchased in California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained at the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Spoiled beer (attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of spoiled beer destroyed under the supervision of a CDTFA representative, or for small quantities of beer destroyed upon written approval by CDTFA, as described in Regulation 2552. Credit is only allowed after prior written approval is obtained from CDTFA and the beer is destroyed. An approved CDTFA-775 form to destroy beer should be attached to the return. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32176)

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of beer which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of beer subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for beer for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Transactions of Still Wine

Still Wine–Not Over 14 Percent

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Still wine–not over 14 percent (total from CDTFA-269-BW). The total gallons of wine not over 14 percent imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Exported from California (do not include purchases made in California). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent imported that were exported outside of California during this reporting period. Do not include wine not over 14 percent purchased in California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained at the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Spoiled wine (attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of spoiled wine not over 14 percent destroyed under the supervision of a CDTFA representative, or for small quantities of wine not over 14 percent destroyed upon written approval by CDTFA, as described in Regulation 2552. Credit is only allowed after prior written approval is obtained from CDTFA and the wine is destroyed. An approved CDTFA-775 form to destroy wine should be attached to the return. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32176)

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of wine not over 14 percent subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for wine not over 14 percent for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Still Wine – Over 14 Percent and Hard Cider

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Still wine–over 14 percent and hard cider (total from CDTFA-269-BW). The total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Exported from California (do not include purchases made in California). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider imported that were exported outside of California during this reporting period. Do not include wine over 14 percent and hard cider purchased in California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained at the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Spoiled wine (attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of spoiled wine over 14 percent and hard cider destroyed under the supervision of a CDTFA representative, or for small quantities of wine over 14 percent and hard cider destroyed upon written approval by CDTFA, as described in Regulation 2552). Credit is only allowed after prior written approval is obtained from CDTFA and the wine is destroyed. An approved CDTFA-775 form to destroy wine should be attached to the return. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32176)

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for wine over 14 percent and hard cider for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Transactions of Sparkling Wine

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Sparkling wine (total from CDTFA-269-BW). The total gallons of sparkling wine imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Beer and Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Exported from California (do not include purchases made in California). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine imported that were exported outside of California during the reporting period. Do not include sparkling wine purchased in California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained at the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Spoiled wine (attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of spoiled sparkling wine destroyed under the supervision of a CDTFA representative, or for small quantities of sparkling wine destroyed upon written approval by CDTFA, as described in Regulation 2552. Credit is only allowed after prior written approval is obtained from CDTFA and the wine is destroyed. An approved CDTFA-775 form to destroy wine should be attached to the return. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32176)

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of sparkling wine subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for sparkling wine for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


If you claimed exemptions for Spoiled beer or wine and/or Other Exemptions, the following documentation will be required:

Click the Add button and follow the prompts to upload the required document(s).


Beer Manufacturer Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.), on behalf of the Board of Equalization. The law includes the state excise tax on beer. The tax rate as it relates to the manufacturing of beer are located on the tax rates page for Special Taxes and Fees, under Alcoholic Beverage Tax.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed beer manufacturer is required to electronically file a Beer Manufacturer Tax Return and a Beer Imported into California schedule (if applicable), of all beer removed from internal revenue bond and/or imported for the reporting period, on or before the 15th day of each month, following the reporting period (Regulation 2536). A return must be filed each reporting period regardless of whether or not any tax is due. Remittance for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return and schedule (if applicable), must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Penalty and Interest

The following penalty charges may be assessed for filing a late return and/or late payment:

Interest also applies to late payments for each month or fraction of a month that the payment is late. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32252)

Schedule Preparation
Initial Questions

Did you import beer into California during this reporting period?

If you received shipments of beer from a point outside of California (imports) during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not receive any imports of beer during this reporting period, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-269-BM, Beer Imported into California schedule to your return?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the schedule, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-269-BM schedule, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Schedule section, click the Upload Schedule button to upload the excel file.

Beer Imported into California (Schedule 269-BM)

To manually complete CDTFA-269-BM, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Name of Shipper. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California. Often times this will be the information of the individual or business you purchased the product from.

Shipper's Country. Select the name of the country from which the shipment originated.

Shipper's State. If the state where the shipment originated from is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Common Carrier. Enter the name of the common carrier transporting the shipment into California.

Common Carrier's CDTFA Account Number. Enter the common carrier's nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.).

A list of active Alcohol Common Carrier accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.

Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Purchased From. Enter the complete name of the person or business the beer was purchased from.

Beer Vendor's CDTFA Account Number. Enter the beer vendor's nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Beer Vendor accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

Date Received. Enter the date the beer was received.

Beer – Case Gallons (divide total ounces by 128). Enter the total gallons of case beer contained in the shipment by dividing the total ounces by 128.

Beer – Keg Gallons (multiply barrels by 31). Enter the total gallons of keg beer contained in the shipment by multiplying the number of barrels by 31.

Transactions of Beer
Taxable Transactions

Removed tax-paid keg beer (per TTB F 5130.9, Brewer's Report of Operations). Enter the total barrels of federal tax-paid keg beer removed from inventory as reported on your Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) form 5130.9. Include barrels exported within the U.S. (domestic exports). The system will automatically convert barrels to gallons.

Removed tax-paid case beer (per TTB F 5130.9). Enter the total barrels of federal tax-paid case beer removed from inventory as reported on your TTB F 5130.9. Include barrels exported within the U.S. (domestic exports). The system will automatically convert barrels to gallons.

Removed for use at tavern on brewery premises (per TTB F 5130.9). Enter the total barrels of federal tax-paid beer removed from inventory for use at the tavern on the brewery's premises as reported on your TTB F 5130.9. The system will automatically convert barrels to gallons.

Removed for export outside the U.S. (per TTB F 5130.9). Enter the total gallons of beer removed from inventory for export outside the U.S. as reported on your TTB F 5130.9.

Total removals. Total gallons of beer removed from inventory, or on which you paid Federal Internal Revenue Tax. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Imported into California (total from CDTFA-269-BM). The total gallons of beer imported into California, which includes both in-bond and out-of-bond beer, as reported on the Beer Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Other taxable transactions (on which state excise tax has not been paid). Enter the total gallons of beer on which the state excise tax has not been paid. Include cider and perry, if applicable (Business and Professions Code 23357(c)). Do not include transactions that were already entered as removed from inventory or import.

You must attach supporting documentation for these transactions. Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total taxable transactions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Imported in or bulk transfers to U.S. Internal Revenue Bond (on which Federal Internal Revenue Tax has not yet been paid). Enter the total gallons of beer for which the Federal Internal Revenue Tax has not yet been paid. The total gallons must be less than or equal to the value on the Imported into California field of the Taxable Transactions section. Documents supporting any claim for exemption from tax must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Exported or sold for export outside the U.S. (per TTB F 5130.9). Enter the total gallons of beer exported or sold for export outside of the U.S. from California as reported on your TTB F 5130.9. Documents supporting any claim for exemption from tax must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Exported or sold for export within the U.S. Enter the total gallons of beer exported, or sold for export from California within the U.S. Documents supporting any claim for exemption from tax must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Returned to bond. Enter the total gallons of beer removed and later returned to the bonded area of the brewery. This includes Federal tax-paid beer returned from a California customer. Documents supporting any claim for exemption from tax must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Federal tax-paid beer destroyed (attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid beer destroyed under the supervision of a CDTFA representative. Credit is only allowed after prior written approval is obtained from CDTFA and the beer is destroyed. An approved CDTFA-775 form to destroy beer should be attached to the return. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32176).

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of beer, which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


If you reported Other taxable transactions and/or if you claimed Other exemptions, the following documentation will be required:

If you claimed an exemption for Federal tax-paid beer destroyed, the following documentation will be required:

Click the Add button and follow the prompts to upload the required document(s).


Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. Per Regulation 2542, Public Warehouses, licensed public warehouses must report all distilled spirits held in storage, in bottled form, at the close of business on December 31 and June 30.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed public warehouse must electronically file a CDTFA-506-PW, Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report, on or before January 15 and July 15 of each year, reporting all distilled spirits held in storage, in bottled form, at the close of business on December 31 and June 30 (Regulation 2542). A report must be filed for each reporting period even if you do not have any inventory to report. A copy of the report must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Report Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you have any distilled spirits held in storage, in bottle or can form, at the close of business for this reporting period?

If you had distilled spirits held in storage, in bottle or can form, at the close of business for this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not have any distilled spirits held in storage, in bottle or can form, at the close of business for this reporting period, select No.

How would you like to add CDTFA-506-PW, Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report?

To manually add each inventory entry to the report, select Manually and click Next. (Refer to the Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report section below for more information.)

To upload CDTFA-506-PW report as an Excel file, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Report section, select Upload Report to upload the Excel file.

Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report

To manually complete CDTFA-506-PW, select Add a Record and enter the report information (refer to the Report Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your report as an Excel workbook, please review the imported entries, and correct any error(s).

Report Information

Name of Licensee. Enter the complete name of the distilled spirits licensee for whom the distilled spirits are stored.

Licensee’s City. Enter the name of the city where the distilled spirits licensee is located.

Licensee’s Country. Select the name of the country where the distilled spirits licensee is located.

Licensee’s State. Select the name of the state where the distilled spirits licensee is located.

Licensee’s CDTFA Account Number. Enter the distilled spirits licensee’s nine-digit California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active distilled spirits importer’s accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Kind Code. Select the kind code of distilled spirits stored in the warehouse. Available options to select from:

Size of Bottle or Can (in mL). Enter the size of the bottle or can in milliliters. If assistance is needed to convert container size to milliliters, please refer to the Metric Conversion Tables for distilled spirits on Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau's (TTB) website at

Number of Bottles or Cans per Case. Enter the number of bottles or cans per case.

Internal Revenue Bond Cases. Enter the number of internal revenue bond cases.

Customs Bond Cases. Enter the number of customs bond cases.

Federal Tax Paid Cases. Enter the number of federal tax paid cases.

Once you have completed the information for the record, select Add to save and return to the Public Warehouse Distilled Spirits Inventory Report screen. To add additional records, select Add a Record or select Next to continue.


Wine Grower Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA), administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. The law includes the state excise tax on wine as defined by Business and Professions Code section 23007. Every winegrower or wine blender must file this return to report transactions of still wine with an alcohol content by volume not over 14 percent, still wine with an alcohol content over 14 percent, hard cider, and sparkling wine. The tax rates as they relate to the different categories of wine are located on the tax rates page for Special Taxes and Fees.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed winegrower, wine direct shipper, or wine blender is required to file a Winegrower Tax Return and a Wine Imported into California schedule (if applicable), of all wine transactions for the reporting period, via electronic media, on or before the 15th day of each month, following the close of the reporting period (Revenue and Taxation code 32251 and Regulation 2537). A return must be filed each reporting period regardless of whether any tax is due. Remittance for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return and schedule (if applicable), should be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Penalty and Interest

The following penalty charges may be assessed for filing a late return and/or late payment:

Interest also applies to late payments for each month or fraction of a month that the payment is late. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32252)

Wine Imported into California

Initial Questions

Did you import wine into California during this reporting period?

If you received shipments of wine from a point outside of California (imports) during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not receive any imports of wine during this period, select No.

If you are an out-of-state winegrower, hold a Wine Direct Shipper Permit (License Type 82), and ship directly to California residents, select No for this question.

How would you like to add CDTFA-269-WG, Wine Imported into California to your return?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the schedule, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-269-WG schedule, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Schedule section, click the Upload Schedule button to upload the excel file.

Wine Imported into California (Schedule)

To manually complete CDTFA-269-WG, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Name of Shipper. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California. Often times this will be the information of the individual or business you purchased the product from.

Shipper's Country. Select the name of the country where the shipment originated from.

Shipper's State. If the state where the shipment originated from is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Common Carrier. Enter the name of the common carrier transporting the shipment into California.

Common Carrier’s CDTFA Account Number. Enter the nine-digit Common Carrier’s CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Alcohol Common Carrier accounts can be located on CDTFA's Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.
Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship.

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Purchased From. Enter the complete name of the person or business the wine was purchased from.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment’s invoice number.

Date Received. Enter the date the wine was received.

Wine Not Over 14 % (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent alcohol contained in the shipment.

Wine Over 14 % & Hard Cider (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent alcohol and hard cider contained in the shipment.

Sparkling Wine (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all wine in wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Transactions of Still Wine

Still Wine – Not Over 14 Percent

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Removed from Internal Revenue Bond on payment of tax (per TTB F 5120.17, Report of Wine Premises Operations & TTB F 5000.24, Excise Tax Return). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent removed from Internal Revenue Bond, on which federal excise tax has been paid.

Imported into California (total from CDTFA -269-WG). The total gallons of wine not over 14 percent imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Include wine received in customs bond and Internal Revenue Bond in the reporting period in which the shipments are received. The quantity of imports or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond are not taxable at the time of receipt or transfer and should be taken as a deduction in the Exemptions section.

Out-of-State Winegrowers (shipped directly to CA residents under License Type 82). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent sold and shipped directly to California residents under a direct wine shipper permit on which California state excise tax has not been paid.

Total taxable transactions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Federal tax-paid wine exported outside of California (do not include bond to bond transfers). Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid wine not over 14 percent exported or sold for export from California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Imported in or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond. Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent that were reported as imports into California, on which the federal excise tax has not yet been paid.

Federal tax-paid wine sold for industrial use. Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid wine not over 14 percent sold for use in the trades, professions, or industries for other than beverage use.

Other exemptions (for example, destruction of spoiled wine–attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of wine not over 14 percent which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions on which tax applies or a refund is due. The total wine not over 14 percent gallons subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Rate of tax per wine gallon. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for wine not over 14 percent for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Still Wine – Over 14 Percent and Hard Cider

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Removed from Internal Revenue Bond on payment of tax (per TTB F 5120.17, Report of Wine Premises Operations & TTB F 5000.24, Excise Tax Return). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider removed from Internal Revenue Bond, on which federal excise tax has been paid.

Imported into California (total from CDTFA-269-WG). The total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Include wine received in customs bond and Internal Revenue Bond in the reporting period in which the shipments are received. The quantity of imports or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond are not taxable at the time of receipt or transfer and should be taken as a deduction in the Exemptions section.

Out-of-State Winegrower (shipped directly to CA residents under License Type 82). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider sold and shipped directly to California residents under a direct wine shipper permit on which California state excise tax has not been paid.

Total taxable transactions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Federal tax-paid wine exported outside of California (do not include bond to bond transfers). Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid wine over 14 percent and hard cider exported or sold for export from California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Imported in or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond. Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider that were reported as imports into California, on which the federal excise tax has not yet been paid.

Federal tax-paid wine sold for industrial use. Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid wine over 14 percent and hard cider sold for use in the trades, professions, or industries for other than beverage use.

Other exemptions (for example, destruction of spoiled wine–attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of wine over 14 percent and hard cider which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions on which tax applies or a refund is due. The total wine over 14 percent and hard cider gallons subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Rate of tax per wine gallon. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for wine over 14 percent and hard cider for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Transactions of Sparkling Wine

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Taxable Transactions

Removed from Internal Revenue Bond on payment of tax (per TTB F 5120.17, Report of Wine Premises Operations & TTB F 5000.24, Excise Tax Return). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine removed from Internal Revenue Bond, on which federal excise tax has been paid.

Imported into California (total from CDTFA-269-WG). The total gallons of sparkling wine imported into California for this reporting period, as reported on the Wine Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Include wine received in customs bond and Internal Revenue Bond in the reporting period in which the shipments are received. The quantity of imports or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond are not taxable at the time of receipt or transfer and should be taken as a deduction in the Exemptions section.

Out-of-State Winegrowers (shipped directly to CA residents under License Type 82). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine sold and shipped directly to California residents under a direct wine shipper permit on which California state excise tax has not been paid.

Total taxable transactions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Federal tax-paid wine exported outside of California (do not include bond to bond transfers). Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid sparkling wine exported or sold for export from California. Documents supporting the claim for exemption must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors for all transactions included in the claimed amount.

Imported in or bulk transfers to Internal Revenue Bond. Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine that were reported as imports into California, on which the federal excise tax has not yet been paid.

Federal tax-paid wine sold for industrial use. Enter the total gallons of federal tax-paid sparkling wine sold for use in the trades, professions, or industries for other than beverage use.

Other exemptions (for example, destruction of spoiled wine-attach approved CDTFA-775, Application for Approval and Declaration of Destruction for Spoiled Beer or Wine). Enter the total gallons of sparkling wine which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions on which tax applies or a refund is due. The total sparkling wine gallons subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Rate of tax per wine gallon. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal. The total excise tax due or credit for sparkling wine for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


If you claimed exemptions for Spoiled wine and/or Other Exemptions, the following documentation will be required:

Click the Add button and follow the prompts to upload the required document(s).

Summary of Wine in Bond

The Summary of Wine in Bond is a summary of movements of wine in Internal Revenue Bond for license types 02 and 22 (not applicable for license type 82). Reports of inventories (transferred, exported, and in inventory) must agree with the data reported on Federal Form TTB F 5120.17, Report of Wine Premises Operations. The amounts reported must be book inventories for all months except for the end of the annual reporting period as described in Regulation 2530. The inventory reported in that month must be a physical inventory. (Regulation 2537)

Still Wine Not Over 14 Percent, Still Wine Over 14 Percent and Hard Cider, and Sparkling Wine

(Report all values to the nearest gallon)

Section I – Bulk Wines

Transferred to other wine cellars within California. Enter the total gallons of bulk wine in bond transferred to other wine cellars in California.

Transferred to other wine cellars outside California. Enter the total gallons of bulk wine in bond transferred to other wine cellars outside California, but within the U.S.

In bond wine exported outside the U.S. Enter the total gallons of bulk wine in bond exported outside the country.

Inventory on hand at the end of the reporting period. Enter the total gallons of bulk wine in bond in inventory on hand at the end of the reporting period.

Section II – Bottled Wines

Transferred to other wine cellars within California. Enter the total gallons of bottled wine in bond transferred to other wine cellars in California.

Transferred to other wine cellars outside California. Enter the total gallons of bottled wine in bond transferred to other wine cellars outside California, but within the U.S.

In bond wine exported outside the U.S. Enter the total gallons of bottled wine in bond exported outside the country.

Inventory on hand at the end of the reporting period. Enter the total gallons of bottled wine in bond in inventory on hand at the end of the reporting period.


Distilled Spirits Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001 et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. The law includes the state excise tax on distilled spirits. Sellers of distilled spirits must pay the excise tax when they sell directly to a California retailer. Distilled spirits are presumed to be sold, and the alcoholic beverage tax is due when they are sold to in-state retailers or to consumers if sold by licensed craft distillers, unless the distilled spirits:

The tax rates as they relate to the different categories of distilled spirits are located on the tax rates page for Special Taxes and Fees, under Alcoholic Beverage Tax.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed distilled spirits taxpayer is required to electronically file a Distilled Spirits Tax Return and supplemental schedules (if applicable) of all sales of distilled spirits for the reporting period, on or before the 15th day of each month, following the reporting period (Regulation 2535). A return must be filed each reporting period even if no tax is due. Remittance for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return and supplemental schedules (if applicable), must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Penalty and Interest

The following penalty charges may be assessed for filing a late return and/or late payment:

Interest also applies to late payments for each month or fraction of a month that the payment is late. (Revenue and Taxation Code 32252)

Schedule Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you receive bottled or packaged distilled spirits from your own bottling or packaging department during this reporting period? (Schedule 240-A)

If you received bottled or packaged distilled spirits from your own bottling or packaging department during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not receive bottled or packaged distilled spirits from your own bottling or packaging department during this reporting period, select No.

Did you purchase or receive bottled or packaged distilled spirits from other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California during this reporting period? (Schedule 241-A)

Note: Returns from California wholesalers should be included in schedule 241-A.

If you purchased or received bottled or packaged distilled spirits from licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not purchase or receive bottled or packaged distilled spirits from licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California during this reporting period, select No.

Did you import bottled or packaged distilled spirits into California during this reporting period? (Schedule 242-A)

Note: Returns from out-of-state should be included in schedule 242-A.

If you imported bottled or packaged distilled spirits into California during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not import bottled or packaged distilled spirits into California during this reporting period, select No.

Did you make sales or deliver bottled or packaged distilled spirits to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California during this reporting period? (Schedule 243-B)

Note: This should not include sales to California retailers. Sales to California retailers are considered taxable transactions and should be reported as sales.

If you made sales or delivered bottled or packaged distilled spirits to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not make sales or deliver bottled or packaged distilled spirits to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California during this reporting period, select No.

Did you have any sales of bottled or packaged distilled spirits that were exempt from the California alcoholic beverage excise tax due to the following: (Schedule 244-B)

If you had sales of bottled or packaged distilled spirits that were exempt from the California alcoholic beverage excise tax due to one of the reasons listed above, select Yes.

If you did not have sales of bottled or packaged distilled spirits that were exempt from the California alcoholic beverage excise tax due to one of the reasons listed above, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-240-DS, Distilled Spirits Transaction Schedules to your return?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the schedule(s), select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-240-DS schedule(s), select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Schedule(s) section, click the Upload Schedule button to upload the excel file.

Distilled Spirits Received from own Bottling Department (Schedule 240-A)

Every distilled spirits manufacturer, manufacturer's agent, brandy manufacturer, and rectifier shall keep and preserve a record of all distilled spirits produced, manufactured, cut, blended, rectified, bottled, packaged, or otherwise acquired in California. All distilled spirits received from licensee's own bottling or packaging department must be reported on schedule 240-A and be retained by the licensee to be available for verification by CDTFA auditors. Receipts from the bottling or packaging department must include all distilled spirits bottled or packaged, whether or not the distilled spirits are owned by the licensee. (Regulation 2504)

To manually complete schedule 240-A, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Who the Product was Bottled or Packaged For (Owner's Name). Enter the complete name of the person or business the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged for.

Date Bottled or Packaged. Enter the date the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged.

Street. Enter the street address of the person or business the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged for.

City. Enter the city of the person or business the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged for.

State. Select the state of the person or business the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged for.

Zip Code. Enter the ZIP Code of the person or business the distilled spirits were bottled or packaged for.

Click Here to Verify Address. Click the button to verify the inputted address. Once the address is verified, click the Save button.

100 Proof and Under (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under. The total must agree with the respective federal forms.

Over 100 Proof (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof. The total must agree with the respective federal forms

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all alcoholic beverages in wine gallons. You can convert liters to wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Schedule 240-A screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Distilled Spirits Purchased or Received from Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers in California (Schedule 241-A)

All bottled or packaged distilled spirits purchased from other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California and all bottled or packaged distilled spirits received from licensee's own branches in California, must be reported on schedule 241-A. Returns from California wholesalers should also be included on schedule 241-A. A copy of the schedule must be retained by the licensee to be available for verification by CDTFA auditors. (Regulation 2505)

To manually complete schedule 241-A, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Purchased From (name of Distilled Spirits Manufacturer/Importer). Enter the complete name of the California seller the bottled or packaged distilled spirits were purchased from.

City. Enter the name of the California city where the seller's business is located.

Distilled Spirits' CDTFA Account Number. Enter the seller's nine-digit distilled spirits CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Distilled Spirits Manufacturer/Importer accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Date Received. Enter the date the shipment was received.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

Invoice Date. Enter the shipment's invoice date.

100 Proof and Under (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under contained in the shipment.

Over 100 Proof (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all alcoholic beverages in wine gallons. You can convert liters to wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Schedule 241-A screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Distilled Spirits Imported into California (Schedule 242-A)

All bottled or packaged distilled spirits acquired by direct importation from out-of-state or from the Foreign Trade Zone must be reported on schedule 242-A. Importation of bonded distilled spirits into California must be reported at the time of importation and not at the time of withdrawal from bond. Returns from out-of-state should also be included on schedule 242-A. A copy of the schedule must be retained by the licensee to be available for verification by CDTFA auditors. (Regulation 2506)

To manually complete schedule 242-A, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information). If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Shipper's Name. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California. Oftentimes this will be the information of the individual or business you purchased the bottled or packaged distilled spirits from.

Shipper's Country. Select the name of the country from which the shipment originated.

Shipper's State. If the state from which the shipment originated is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Common Carrier. Enter the name of the common carrier transporting the shipment into California.

Common Carrier's CDTFA Account Number. Enter the common carrier's nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active Alcohol Common Carrier accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.

Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Date Received. Enter the date the shipment was received.

Purchased From. Enter the complete name of the person or business you purchased the bottled or packaged distilled spirits from.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

100 Proof and Under (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under contained in the shipment.

Over 100 Proof (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all alcoholic beverages in wine gallons. You can convert liters to wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Schedule 242-A screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Claim for Distilled Spirits Excise Tax Exemption on Sale or Delivery to Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers/Wholesalers in California (Schedule 243-B)

All sales or deliveries of distilled spirits to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California, all transfers of distilled spirits to licensee's own branches in California, and all returns of distilled spirits to original vendors in California, must be reported on schedule 243-B and be retained by the licensee to be available for verification by CDTFA auditors. (Regulation 2507(a))

Note: This should not include sales to California retailers. Sales to California retailers are considered taxable transactions and should be reported as sales.

To manually complete schedule 243-B, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Sold To. Enter the complete name of the California purchaser the bottled or packaged distilled spirits were sold to.

City. Enter the name of the California city where the bottled or packaged distilled spirits were delivered to.

Distilled Spirits’ CDTFA Account Number. Enter the nine-digit purchaser's distilled spirits CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

Invoice Date. Enter the shipment's invoice date.

Date Shipped. Enter the date the shipment was shipped.

100 Proof and Under (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under contained in the shipment.

Over 100 Proof (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all alcoholic beverages in wine gallons. You can convert liters to wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Schedule 243-B screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Claim for Excise Tax Exemption on Distilled Spirits Exported or Sold to Common Carriers and/or Armed Forces Instrumentalities (Schedule 244-B)

All bottled or packaged distilled spirits exported from California, sold for export and actually exported from California, sold to common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign passenger service, or sold to instrumentalities of the armed forces must be reported on schedule 244-B and be retained by the licensee to be available for verification by CDTFA auditors. (Regulation 2507(b)).

To manually complete schedule 244-B, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the schedule information (refer to the Schedule Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your schedule using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Schedule Information

Shipped To (Name of Consignee). Enter the complete name of the shipment's consignee.

Country. Select the name of the country where the shipment is being delivered.

State. If the state where the shipment is being delivered is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Carrier. Enter the name of the carrier transporting the shipment out of California.

Bill of Lading or Freight Bill Number. Enter the bill of lading or freight bill number.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

Invoice Date. Enter the shipment's invoice date.

100 Proof and Under (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under contained in the shipment.

Over 100 Proof (Gallons). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof contained in the shipment.

Note: Per Alcoholic Beverage Tax Regulation 2544, report all alcoholic beverages in wine gallons. You can convert liters to wine gallons by multiplying liters by 0.264172.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Schedule 244-B screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.

Inventory Reconciliation

Inventory Reconciliation 100 Proof and Under

(Report all values to the nearest wine gallon in bottled form)

Total Beginning Inventory

Beginning inventory (same as previous reporting period's ending inventory). The value in this field should include bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under inventory on your own premises, and in public and private warehouses. The system automatically populates the field with the value that was entered as the ending inventory on your previous period’s return.

Override beginning inventory box: Only select this box if you are amending multiple returns. Your beginning inventory must always match your ending inventory for the previous period's return.

Received from own bottling department (total from schedule 240-A). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under received from your own bottling department as reported on your Distilled Spirits Received from Own Bottling Department schedule. The total must agree with the respective federal forms. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Purchased or received from other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California (total from schedule 241-A). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under purchased or received from other California licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers as reported on your Distilled Spirits Purchased or Received from Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers in California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Returns from California wholesalers should be included in schedule 241-A.

Imported into California (total from CDTFA-242-A). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under acquired by direct importation from out-of-state or from the Foreign Trade Zone as reported on your Distilled Spirits Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Returns from out-of-state should be included in schedule 242-A.

Note: Importation of bonded bottled or packaged distilled spirits into California must be reported at the time of importation and not at the time of withdrawal from bond.

Returns from California retailers (do not include returns from wholesalers or returns from out-of-state). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits returned from California retailers. Wholesalers and rectifiers may accept the return of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under from retailers, provided the distilled spirits were sold to the retailer by the wholesaler or rectifier. Do not include returns from wholesalers or returns from out-of-state.

Unaccounted-for gains (disclosed by physical inventory). Enter the gains of distilled spirits 100 proof and under disclosed from taking a physical inventory.

Total accounted-for. The total accounted-for inventory of distilled spirits 100 proof and under for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Total Ending Inventory

Total sales. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under sold during this reporting period.

Unintentional destruction supported by affidavits (reference Regulation 2550(a) for additional information). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under that qualify as unintentional destruction. Unintentional destruction shall mean destruction of bottled or packaged distilled spirits by fire, earthquake, floods, breakage in transit, accident, or by any other cause when the exact quantity destroyed is known. Claims for loss by reason of unintentional destruction are to be submitted via email to and must be submitted to CDTFA immediately following the close of business on the last day of the month in which the loss is discovered. The claim must state under oath of the licensee that the distilled spirits were so damaged that they could not be used for any purpose. Proof of loss satisfactory to CDTFA in the form of insurance or carrier claims, which have been paid, must be included when the claim is submitted to CDTFA. Credit is only allowed if a claim was previously submitted with the required proof of loss to CDTFA, and should be attached to the return.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Unaccounted-for losses (reference Regulation 2550(b) for additional information). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under that qualify as an unaccounted-for loss. Unaccounted-for losses shall include all other losses disclosed by physical inventory due to pilferage, handling, among others. The allowable tolerance for unaccounted-for losses of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under acquired by any distilled spirits taxpayer cannot exceed one-tenth of one percent of total sales of distilled spirits 100 proof and under.

Inventory, end of reporting period. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under held in inventory at the end of this reporting period.

Total accounted-for. The total accounted-for inventory of distilled spirits 100 proof and under for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Semi-Annual Inventory

(Only applicable to June and December reporting periods)

I did not report any inventory. Only select this box if no bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under are held in inventory; no inventory reported for this reporting period.

Physical inventory of bottled or packaged distilled spirits (required semi-annually). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under disclosed from taking a physical inventory. A physical inventory of the number of gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits must be reported semi-annually in June and December. For taxpayers on an annual reporting basis, a physical inventory must be reported on an annual basis in December (Regulation 2530).

Semi-annual inventory date. Enter the date in June or December the physical inventory was taken.

Inventory Reconciliation Over 100 Proof

(Report all values to the nearest wine gallon in bottled form)

Total Beginning Inventory

Beginning inventory (same as previous reporting period's ending inventory). The value in this field should include bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof inventory on your own premises, and in public and private warehouses. The system automatically populates the field with the value that was entered as the ending inventory on your previous period’s return.

Override beginning inventory box: Only select this box if you are amending multiple returns. Your beginning inventory must always match your ending inventory on the previous period’s return.

Received from own bottling department (total from schedule 240-A). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof received from your own bottling department as reported on your Distilled Spirits Received from Own Bottling Department schedule. The total must agree with the respective federal forms. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Purchased or received from other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers in California (total from schedule 241-A).

The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof purchased or received from other California licensed distilled spirits manufacturers or importers as reported on your Distilled Spirits Purchased or Received from Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers in California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Returns from California wholesalers should be included in schedule 241-A.

Imported into California (total from schedule 242-A). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof acquired by direct importation from out-of-state or from the Foreign Trade Zone as reported on your Distilled Spirits Imported into California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: Returns from out-of-state should be included in schedule 242-A.

Note: Importation of bonded bottled or packaged distilled spirits into California must be reported at the time of importation and not at the time of withdrawal from bond.

Returns from California retailers (do not include returns from wholesalers or returns from out-of-state). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof returned from California retailers. Wholesalers and rectifiers may accept the return of distilled spirits over 100 proof from retailers, provided the distilled spirits were sold to the retailer by the wholesaler or rectifier. Do not include returns from wholesalers or returns from out-of-state.

Unaccounted-for gains (disclosed by physical inventory). Enter the gains of distilled spirits over 100 proof disclosed from taking a physical inventory.

Total accounted-for. The total accounted-for inventory of distilled spirits over 100 proof for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Total Ending Inventory

Total sales. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof sold during this reporting period.

Unintentional destruction supported by affidavits (reference Regulation 2550(a) for additional information). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof that qualify as unintentional destruction. Unintentional destruction shall mean destruction of bottled or packaged distilled spirits by fire, earthquake, floods, breakage in transit, accident, or by any other cause when the exact quantity destroyed is known. Claims for loss by reason of unintentional destruction are to be submitted via email to and must be submitted to CDTFA immediately following the close of business on the last day of the month in which the loss is discovered. The claim must state under oath of the licensee that the distilled spirits were so damaged that they could not be used for any purpose. Proof of loss satisfactory to CDTFA in the form of insurance or carrier claims, which have been paid, must be included when the claim is submitted to CDTFA. Credit is only allowed if a claim was previously submitted with the required proof of loss to CDTFA, and should be attached to the return.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Unaccounted-for losses (reference Regulation 2550(b) for additional information). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof that qualify as an unaccounted-for loss. Unaccounted-for losses shall include all other losses disclosed by physical inventory due to pilferage, handling, among others. The allowable tolerance for unaccounted-for losses of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof acquired by any distilled spirits taxpayer cannot exceed one-tenth of one percent of total sales of distilled spirits over 100 proof.

Inventory, end of reporting period. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof held in inventory at the end of this reporting period.

Total accounted-for. The total accounted-for inventory of distilled spirits over 100 proof for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Semi-Annual Inventory

(Only applicable to June and December reporting periods)

I did not report any inventory. Only select this box if no bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof are held in inventory; no inventory reported for this reporting period.

Physical inventory of bottled or packaged distilled spirits (required semi-annually). Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof disclosed from taking a physical inventory. A physical inventory of the number of gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits must be reported semi-annually in June and December. For taxpayers on an annual reporting basis, a physical inventory must be reported on an annual basis in December (Regulation 2530).

Semi-annual inventory date. Enter the date in June or December the physical inventory was taken.

Transactions of Distilled Spirits

Transactions 100 Proof and Under

(Report all values to the nearest wine gallon in bottled form)

Taxable Transactions

Total sales. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under sold during this reporting period. The system automatically populates this field with the value that was entered on the Inventory Reconciliation 100 Proof and Under screen.

Returns from California retailers. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under returned from California retailers. The system automatically populates this field with the value that was entered on the Inventory Reconciliation 100 Proof and Under screen.

Net sales.The total sales less returns from retailers of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Sales or deliveries to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California (total from schedule 243-B) The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under sold or delivered to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California as reported on your Claim for Distilled Spirits Excise Tax Exemption on Sale or Delivery to Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers/Wholesalers in California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: This should not include sales to California retailers. Sales to California retailers are considered taxable transactions and should be reported as sales.

Exports or sales to common carriers and/or armed forces (total from schedule 244-B). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under exported from California, sold for export and actually exported from California, sold to common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign passenger service, and sold to the armed forces as reported on your Claim for Excise Tax Exemption on Distilled Spirits Exported or Sold to Common Carriers and/or Armed Forces Instrumentalities schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal – 100 proof and under. The total excise tax due or credit for gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits 100 proof and under for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Transactions Over 100 Proof

(Report all values to the nearest wine gallon in bottled form)

Taxable Transactions

Total sales. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof sold during this reporting period. The system automatically populates this field with the value that was entered on the Inventory Reconciliation Over 100 Proof screen.

Returns from California retailers. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof returned from California retailers. The system automatically populates this field with the value that was entered on the Inventory Reconciliation Over 100 Proof screen.

Net sales. The total sales less returns from retailers of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Sales or deliveries to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California (total from schedule 243-B). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof sold or delivered to other licensed distilled spirits manufacturers, importers, or wholesalers in California as reported on your Claim for Distilled Spirits Excise Tax Exemption on Sale or Delivery to Other Licensed Distilled Spirits Manufacturers/Importers/Wholesalers in California schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Note: This should not include sales to California retailers. Sales to California retailers are considered taxable transactions and should be reported as sales.

Exports or sales to common carriers and/or armed forces (total from schedule 244-B). The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof exported from California, sold for export and actually exported from California, sold to common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign passenger service, and sold to the armed forces as reported on your Claim for Excise Tax Exemption on Distilled Spirits Exported or Sold to Common Carriers and/or Armed Forces Instrumentalities schedule. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Other exemptions. Enter the total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof which are exempt from the state excise tax during this reporting period that were not previously claimed as part of another exemption. You must attach supporting documentation explaining why the transactions are exempt from the excise tax.

Refer to the Attachments section below for instructions on how to upload supporting documentation.

Total exemptions. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Taxable transactions. The total gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof subject to the excise tax or credit for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal – over 100 proof. The total excise tax due or credit for gallons of bottled or packaged distilled spirits over 100 proof for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


If you claimed exemptions for Unintentional Destruction or Other Exemptions, the following documentation will be required:

To upload the file attachment, click the Add button.

On the Select a file to attach pop-up window:

  1. Click the Type drop-down menu and select the appropriate file type. Available options to select from:
  2. Enter a description of the file in the Description field.
  3. Click the Choose File button and follow the prompts to select and upload the file.
  4. Once you have completed all required information, click the Save button.

Once the required document(s) is uploaded, click the Next button to proceed to the next screen.


Distilled Spirits Common Carrier Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001. et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. The law includes the state excise tax imposed on common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign passenger service making sales of distilled spirits in California. The tax rates as they relate to the sales of distilled spirits are located on the tax rates page for Special Taxes and Fees, under Alcoholic Beverage Tax.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed distilled spirits common carrier is required to electronically file a Distilled Spirits Common Carrier Tax Return on or before the first day of the second calendar month following the month in which the sales were made (Regulation 2541). A return must be filed each reporting period even if no tax is due. Remittance for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Penalty and Interest

The following penalty charges may be assessed for filing a late return and/or late payment:

Return Preparation

The method for computing distilled spirits sales in California is based on the ratio that passenger miles in California bears to total passenger miles. The ratio of passenger miles in California may be adjusted by tests when significant changes occur in routes, schedules, or other operating conditions. The tests will be subject to review by CDTFA auditors.

All distilled spirits must be reported in wine gallons. Round the resulting figures to the nearest gallon.

Gallonage conversion factors:

  1. One milliliter = 0.000264172 gallons
  2. One liter = 0.264172 gallons
Distilled Spirits 100 Proof and Under

Total passenger miles. Enter the total number of passenger miles served during the course of this reporting period.

Passenger miles in California. Enter the total number of passenger miles served in California during the course of this reporting period.

Percentage of miles in California. The ratio of passenger miles served in California bearing to the total of passenger miles. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Total gallons of distilled spirits sold. Enter the total gallons of distilled spirits 100 proof and under sold during the course of this reporting period.

Total gallons of distilled spirits sold in California. The total gallons of distilled spirits 100 proof and under sold in California during the course of this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal – 100 proof and under. The total excise tax due for gallons of distilled spirits 100 proof and under for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Distilled Spirits Over 100 Proof

Total passenger miles. The total number of passenger miles served during the course of the reporting period. The system automatically populated this field with the value that was entered under total passenger miles from 100 Proof and Under.

Passenger miles in California. The total number of passenger miles served in California during the course of the reporting period. The system automatically populated this field with the value that was entered under total passenger miles from 100 Proof and Under.

Percentage of miles in California. The ratio of passenger miles served in California bearing to the total of passenger miles. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Total gallons of distilled spirits sold. Enter the total gallons of distilled spirits over 100 proof sold during the course of this reporting period.

Total gallons of distilled spirits sold in California. The total gallons of distilled spirits over 100 proof sold in California during the course of this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.

Tax rate. The current excise tax rate for this reporting period. The system will automatically determine this field.

Subtotal – over 100 proof. The total excise tax due for gallons of distilled spirits over 100 proof for this reporting period. The system will automatically calculate this field.


Vendor's Report of Beer Shipments into California

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. Per provision section 23671, out-of-state vendors making shipments of beer into California are required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance with the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control and must report all beer shipments made to licensed beer importers in California.

Filing Requirements

Every holder of a California Certificate of Compliance is required to electronically file a CDTFA-1056, Vendor's Report of Beer Shipments into California, on or before the 10th day of each month, reporting all beer shipments made to licensed beer importers in California during the preceding calendar month (Section 23671). A report must be filed for each reporting period regardless of whether or not you have any transactions to report. A copy of the report should be retained on the premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Report Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you ship any beer to a licensed beer importer in California during this reporting period?

If you made any shipments of beer into California during this reporting period, select Yes.

If no shipments of beer were made into California during this reporting period, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-1056, Vendor’s Report of Beer Shipments into California report?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the report, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-1056 report, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Report section, click the Upload Report button to upload the excel file.

Vendor's Report of Beer Shipments into California

To manually complete CDTFA-1056, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the report information (refer to Report Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your report using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Report Information

Name of Licensed Importer (to whom the shipment was consigned). Enter the complete name of the licensed importer to whom the shipment was consigned. To report pool shipments, list each consignee as a separate shipment.

California City/Destination. Enter the shipment's destination city.

Licensed Importer’s CDTFA Account Number. Enter the nine-digit licensed importer’s CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active importer accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.
Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information.If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Invoice Number. Enter the shipment's invoice number.

Invoice Date. Enter the shipment's invoice date.

Case Gallons (divide total ounces by 128). Enter the total gallons of case beer contained in the shipment by dividing the total ounces by 128.

Keg Gallons (multiply barrels by 31). Enter the total gallons of keg beer contained in the shipment by multiplying the number of barrels by 31.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Vendor's Report of Beer Shipments into California screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.


Common Carrier's Report of Delivery

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. Per Regulation 2540, Common Carrier Receipts and Delivery Reports, common carriers and holders of interstate alcoholic beverage transporters' permits, transporting alcoholic beverages into California, are required to report all deliveries of alcoholic beverages, shipment of which originated from outside of California, made to California licensed importers or customs brokers.

A receipt must be obtained from the licensed importer or customs broker for each delivery of an interstate shipment of alcoholic beverages in California and must include the required information outlined in Regulation 2540.

Filing Requirements

Every common carrier transporting alcoholic beverages into California is required to electronically file a CDTFA-217, Common Carrier's Report of Delivery, on or before the 15th of each month, reporting all deliveries of alcoholic beverages made to California licensed importers and customs brokers during the preceding calendar month. (Regulation 2540). A report must be filed for each reporting period regardless of whether or not you have any deliveries to report. A copy of the report must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Report Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you deliver any shipments of alcoholic beverages into California to licensed importers or customs brokers during this reporting period?

If you delivered shipments of alcoholic beverages into California to licensed importers or customs brokers during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not deliver shipments of alcoholic beverages into California to licensed importers or customs brokers during this reporting period, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-217, Common Carrier's Report of Delivery report?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the report, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-217 report, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Report section, click the Upload Report button to upload the excel file.

Common Carrier's Report of Delivery

To manually complete CDTFA-217, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the report information (refer to the Report Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your report using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Report Information

Name of Shipper. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California.

Shipper's City. If the city from where the shipment originated from is within the United States, enter the name of the city.

Shipper's Country. Select the name of the country from which the shipment originated.

Shipper's State. If the state where the shipment originated from is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Licensed Importer or Customs Broker (to whom delivery was made). Enter the complete name of the licensed importer or customs broker to whom the delivery was made. If the delivery was made to a licensed public warehouse or an “order notify” shipment, list the name of the licensed importer for whom the shipment was delivered.

Licensed Importer's or Customs Broker's CDTFA Account Number. Enter the licensed importer's or customs broker's nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes.)

A list of active importer or customs broker's accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.
Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Kind Code. Select the kind code for the alcoholic beverage contained in the shipment. Available options to select from:

Gallons. Enter the total gallons of alcoholic beverages contained in the shipment.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save the entry and return to the Common Carrier's Report of Delivery screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.


Customs Broker's Report of Transactions

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Alcoholic Beverage Tax Law (Revenue and Taxation Code section 32001, et seq.) on behalf of the Board of Equalization. Per Regulation 2543, customs brokers are required to report every importations/transactions of alcoholic beverages handled. Customs brokers include every person holding a Federal customhouse broker's license or customs broker's license under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, and making customs entries in connection with the importations of alcoholic beverages in customs bond into California for California licensed importers or for a person who does not hold the appropriate importer's license.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed customs broker of alcoholic beverages is required to electronically file a CDTFA-1096, Customs Broker's Report of Transactions, on or before the 15th day of each month, reporting all transactions of customs entries in connection with the importation of alcoholic beverages in internal revenue or customs bond into California during the preceding calendar month (Regulation 2543). A report must be filed for each reporting period even if you do not have any transactions to report. A copy of the report must be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Report Preparation

Initial Questions

Did you have any transactions involving shipments of alcoholic beverages in internal revenue or customs bond into California during this reporting period?

If you had any transactions involving shipments of alcoholic beverages in internal revenue or customs bond into California during this reporting period, select Yes.

If you did not have any transactions involving shipments of alcoholic beverages in internal revenue or customs bond into California during the reporting period, select No.

How would you like to add the CDTFA-1096, Customs Broker's Report of Transactions report?

If you would like to manually add each transaction to the report, select Manually and click the Next button.

If you would like to upload an excel template of the CDTFA-1096 report, select Upload an Excel Workbook. Under the Upload your Report section, click the Upload Report button to upload the excel file.

Customs Broker's Report of Transactions

To manually complete CDTFA-1096, click the Add a Record hyperlink and enter the report information (refer to the Report Information section below for more information).

If you uploaded your report using the excel workbook, review the transactions, and correct any error(s), if applicable.

Report Information

Name of Shipper. Enter the complete name of the shipper. Generally, the shipper is the individual or business that initiated the shipment into California.

Foreign Trade Zone: If the merchandise was shipped to a foreign trade zone, enter the name of the person or firm that shipped the merchandise to the foreign trade zone and the location of the zone. (for example, ABC Firm, Zone 3 – San Francisco)

Shipper's Country. Select the name of the country from which the shipment originated.

Shipper's State. If the state where the shipment originated from is within the United States, select the name of the state.

Name of Licensed Importer or Consignee. If the shipment is for delivery or use in California, enter the complete name of the licensed California importer.

If the shipment is being transported within California for delivery or use outside of California, enter the name of the consignee. (Note: Copies of shipping documents must be retained for verification by CDTFA auditors.)

Foreign Trade Zone: If the merchandise was delivered in a foreign trade zone, enter the name of person or firm that received the merchandise to be stored in the foreign trade zone and the location of the zone (for example, ABC Firm, Zone 3 – San Francisco).

Licensed Importer's CDTFA Account Number. Enter the licensed importer's nine-digit CDTFA account number. (Note: Numbers only. Omit letters and dashes).

A list of active importer accounts can be located on our Online Services, under the Registration section.

Name of Carrier. Enter the name of the carrier transporting to California.

Foreign Trade Zone: Leave column blank.

Mode Code. Select the mode code for the shipment being reported.
Codes: J = Truck, R = Railcar, S = Ship

Truck, Railcar, or Ship Information. If the shipment entered California via:

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Number. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill number.

Foreign Trade Zone: If the merchandise is stored in a foreign trade zone, enter the entry number.

Waybill, Bill of Lading, or Freight Bill Date. Enter the waybill, bill of lading, or freight bill date.

Foreign Trade Zone: Enter the release date.

Kind Code. Select the kind code for the alcoholic beverage contained in the shipment. Available options to select from:

Gallons. Enter the total gallons of alcoholic beverages contained in the shipment.

Once you have completed the information for the entry, click the Add button to save and return to the Customs Broker's Report of Transactions screen. To add additional entries, click the Add a Record hyperlink or click Next to continue.


California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax

California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax (CECET) imposed by the Healthy Outcomes and Prevention Education (HOPE) Act (Revenue and Taxation Code section 31000, et seq.), enacted by Senate Bill 395 (Stats.2021, ch. 489).

Beginning July 1, 2022, retailers of electronic cigarettes containing or sold with nicotine (e-Cigarettes) are required to collect from the purchaser at the time of the retail sale a 12.5 percent CECET on the sales price of e-Cigarettes . The collection of the CECET is in addition to the sales and use tax. One percent reimbursement of the CECET will automatically be calculated on the return as reimbursement to the retailer for all costs associated with the collection of the CECET.

Filing Requirements

The California Electronic Cigarette Excise Tax Return (e-Cigarette Tax Return) must be filed electronically on or before the last day of the month following each calendar quarter. You must file a return for each reporting period even if you did not have any reportable activities during the reporting period.

Payment for the CECET amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return. A copy of the return should be retained on the licensed premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

CDTFA may require the due date of the CECET payment and the filing of the e-Cigarette Tax Return for other than quarterly (RTC section 31002(d)(3)).

Penalty and Interest

The penalty for failure to file a return and/or failure to pay the CECET by the due date is 10 percent of the CECET amount due for the period. Interest on the CECET amount also applies to late payments at the modified adjusted rate per month or fraction of a month that the payment is late.


The following are general definitions for purposes of the CECET under the HOPE Act.

An electronic cigarette means any of the following:

An electronic cigarette does not include a product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product or for other therapeutic purposes if that product is marketed and sold solely for that approved use.


Enter the total retail sales of electronic cigarettes, subject to CECET, for all locations. Do not include sales tax. Enter the total retail sales of electronic cigarettes containing or sold with nicotine that are subject to the CECET for this reporting period. Include sales from all retail locations. Sales tax should not be included.

Refer to the Definitions section above for general definitions of an electronic cigarette.

CECET rate. The excise tax rate for this reporting period (12.5%). (The system will automatically enter this rate.)

Total amount of CECET. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

CECET reimbursement rate. (The system will automatically enter this rate (1%).)

Less retailer reimbursement. The reimbursement amount for all costs of collecting the CECET. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

Total amount of CECET after retailer reimbursement. The total amount of excise tax due after deducting the reimbursement amount from the CECET amount. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

Excess CECET Collected

Total amount of CECET after retailer reimbursement. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

Excess CECET Collected. If you have collected more tax than what is due (excess tax) for this reporting period, enter the amount of excess excise tax collected in this field.

Total amount of CECET due. The total amount of CECET due for this reporting period. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)


California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax

California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax (CFET) Return

General Information

We administer the California Firearms, Firearm Precursor Parts, and Ammunition Excise Tax law, enacted by the Gun Violence Prevention and School Safety Act (Assembly Bill 28, Stats. 2023, ch. 231).

Effective July 1, 2024, a licensed firearms dealer, ammunition vendor, or firearms manufacturer who makes retail sales (for example, sales to consumers) of firearms, firearm precursor parts, or ammunition in California must register with us for a California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax (CFET) Certificate of Registration (Revenue and Taxation Code [R&TC] section 36035).

In addition, a licensed firearms dealer, ammunition vendor, or firearms manufacturer making retail sales is required to report all sales transactions subject to the California Firearms, Firearm Precursor Parts, and Ammunition Excise Tax (CFET) and pay the amount of CFET due (R&TC section 36011).

Visit our Tax Rates — Special Taxes and Fees page to view current and historical CFET rates.

Filing Requirements

Every licensed firearms dealer, ammunition vendor, or firearms manufacturer making retail sales is required to file their California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax Return electronically, report all sales transactions subject to CFET, and pay the amount of CFET due. The return and payment are due on or before the last day of the month following the end of each quarterly reporting period. For example, if the reporting period is for the first quarter (January 1st through March 31st), the return and tax payment are due on or before April 30th. You must file a return for each reporting period, even if there is no reportable activity or no amount is due. You must retain a copy of the return on the business premises for our auditors to verify.

For information regarding CFET and general exemptions, visit the Industry Topics page of our Tax Guide for Sellers of Firearm and Ammunition Products, in the Sales for Resale and General Exemptions section.

Penalty and Interest

The penalty for filing a late return and/or late payment is ten percent of the amount due for the period. Interest also applies to late payments for each month, or fraction of a month, that the payment is late. (Fee Collection Procedures Law section 55042)

CFET Return Preparation

Gross Sales

The CFET is imposed on the gross receipts of retail sales (for example, sales to consumers) in California of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition made by licensed firearms dealers, firearms manufacturers, and ammunition vendors (R&TC section 36011). For the purposes of CFET, gross receipts include the sales price of the firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition and all charges related to the sale, such as any business expense added to any taxable sale listed separately on the invoice or receipt provided to the purchaser. For example, a merchant credit card processing fee listed separately on the receipt is included in the calculation of gross receipts. The firearm, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition retail sales price will be the same as the amount used to calculate the selling price for sales and use tax purposes. Do not include the sales or use tax in this amount.

Enter your gross receipts from the total retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition. Enter the gross receipts from the total retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition for this reporting period.

California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax (FET) Information

Total gross receipts from retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition. (The system automatically populated this field with the value that was entered on the previous Gross Sales screen.)

Exemption: Retail sales to peace officers (active or retired) or law enforcement agencies employing a peace officer. Enter the gross receipts from the total retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition to active or retired peace officers or any law enforcement agency employing a peace officer for this reporting period. The gross receipts from these retail sales are exempt from CFET, but would still be subject to the sales and use tax (R&TC section 36021(a)).

Gross receipts from retail sales of firearms, firearm precursor parts, and ammunition subject to excise tax. The total gross receipts less the exempt amount. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

CFET rate. This is the excise tax rate for this reporting period. (The system will automatically enter this rate.)

Subtotal amount of CFET due. (The system will automatically calculate this amount.)

Excess California Firearm and Ammunition Excise Tax (CFET) Collected

If you have separately charged your customers amounts for CFET reimbursement that exceed the CFET amount due calculated on the return, enter the difference in the Excess CFET reimbursement collected field.

Note: Collecting excess CFET reimbursement can occur in the following situations:


General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the California Tire Fee program in cooperation with the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and the California Air Resources Board(CARB). The California Tire Fee applies to the retail purchase of new tires intended for use with, but sold separately from, on-road or off-road motor vehicles, trailers, motorized equipment, construction equipment, or farm equipment. The fee also applies to new tires (including the spare) sold with the retail purchase of new or used motor vehicles, trailers, construction equipment, or farm equipment. Visit our Tax Rates — Special Taxes and Fees page to view current and historical California Tire Fees. For more detailed list of tires that are subject to the tire fee and general exemptions to the tire fee, visit our Tax Guide for California Tire Fee, Industry Topics page.

Filing Requirements

You may file your CDTFA-501-TF, California Tire Fee Return, and pay the fee online. The return and payment are due on or before the 15th day of the calendar month following the reporting period. The return must be filed for each reporting period even if there were no transactions to report. A copy of the return must be retained on the premises for verification by CDTFA auditors.

Penalty and Interest

The penalty for filing a late return and/or late payment is ten percent of the amount due for the period. Interest also applies to late payments for each month or fraction of a month that the payment is late. (Fee Collection Procedures Law section 55042)

Summary by Location (Schedule A)

Reporting Tires for Registered Sites

The Summary by Location schedule automatically prefills locations based on the sites that are registered with your related Sales and Use Tax account.

Number of New Tires Sold or Self-Consumed. Enter the number of new tires sold or self-consumed for each location during this reporting period.

Do you have additional tire fee locations not listed above?

If you have out-of-state or additional tire fee locations (new sites) not listed, select Yes, then Next.

If you do not have additional locations (including out-of-state locations), select No, then Next.

Reporting Tires for Unregistered Sites

To register new tire fee sites (including out-of-state locations) that are not listed on your California Tire Fee account, select Add a Record and enter the requested information, including the number of new tires sold or self-consumed during this reporting period.

Note: If you have a new retail location in California, please add the business location to your sales and use tax account. To add a business location, select your sales and use tax account from your online account homepage, and under the I Want To section, select the More option and then select Register a New Location to add a new location.

Country. Auto populated to USA.

Street. Enter the location's street number and street name.

Street 2. If you need additional space, enter the rest of the street information in this field.

Unit Type. Select the unit type. (if applicable)

Unit. Enter the unit number. (if applicable)

City. Enter the location's city.

State. Select the location's state. Defaulted to California.

ZIP Code. Enter the location's five digit ZIP code.

Validate Address. Select the Validate Address button to verify the inputted address.

Number of New Tires Sold or Self-Consumed. Enter the number of new tires sold or self-consumed at this location during this reporting period.

Once you have completed the information for the record, select Add to save and return to the Tire Fee Unregistered Sites screen. To add additional sites, select Add a Record or select Next to continue.

Excess Fee Collected

Did you collect more fee than what is due (excess fee)?

If you collected more tire fee from your customers than the amount due (excess fee) for this reporting period, select Yes and enter the amount of excess tire fee collected in the Excess fee collected field.

If you did not over collect for this reporting period, select No.

Note: Excess (too much) tire fee collected can occur in the following situations:


Cannabis Tax

Cannabis Tax Return

General Information

As a distributor of cannabis or cannabis products (or microbusiness operating as a distributor), you are required to electronically file your cannabis tax return with us to report the amounts of both the cultivation tax and cannabis excise tax collected and pay the amount due. The cannabis tax return is due on the last day of the month following the reporting period. Even if you are a distributor that is not responsible for collecting the cultivation tax or the cannabis excise tax, and you have no taxable transactions to report, you are still required to file a cannabis tax return and report your activities to us.

A cannabis distributor is a person required to be licensed with the Department of Cannabis Control as a distributor who procures, sells, and/or transports cannabis between licensed cannabis businesses, such as a cultivator, manufacturer, or retailer. A microbusiness licensed to act as a distributor must comply with all the same requirements as a distributor.

Cannabis Excise Tax Information

As a cannabis distributor, if you sell and transfer cannabis or cannabis products to a retailer, or if you transfer cannabis or cannabis products on behalf of a manufacturer or cultivator, you are required to collect the cannabis excise tax based on the average market price of the cannabis sold in a retail sale.

In instances where a distributor sells or transfers cannabis or cannabis products to another distributor, including hiring another distributor to transport cannabis or cannabis products to a retailer, documentation, such as a shipping manifest or invoice between the distributors, should indicate which distributor has collected or will collect the cannabis excise tax from the retailer based on the average market price of the cannabis sold in a retail sale and report and pay it to us. In the absence of such documentation, both distributors may be held liable for any unpaid cannabis excise tax owed on the retail sale of the cannabis or cannabis products.

Average Market Price

The average market price is calculated based on the type of transaction between a cannabis retailer and its supplier. There are two types of transactions, an arm's length transaction or a nonarm's length transaction.

Arm's Length Transactions:

Nonarm's Length Transactions:

Report the total average market price of cannabis and cannabis products that were sold or transferred to a cannabis retailer during the reporting period for arm's length transactions and nonarm's length transactions. Do not include any medicinal cannabis or medicinal cannabis products that were donated to a cannabis retailer for subsequent donation to a medicinal cannabis patient. Also, do not include any trade samples provided to other licensees.

Excess Excise Tax Collected

If a cannabis retailer collects more cannabis excise tax from their customer than the retailer originally paid to a distributor, it is considered excess excise tax collected. When this occurs, the retailer must return the excess excise tax collected back to the customer. In the event the retailer cannot return the excess excise tax collected to their customer, the retailer must pay the excess excise tax to a distributor.

As the distributor, you must report any excess excise tax collected, that a retailer paid you, on the first return due after receiving the excess amount from the retailer. You will report the excess excise tax collected in the Excess Excise Tax Collected field of the return.

Additionally, if you collect excess excise tax from a cannabis retailer because of your miscalculation of the excise tax, you must return the excess amount back to the retailer. If you are unable to return the excess excise tax collected, you must enter the excess amount in the Excess Excise Tax Collected field of the return.

Be sure to keep all supporting documentation of any collected excess excise tax reported in this field. If the excess excise tax is returned to the retailer after you report and pay it to us, the excess excise tax credit on the next line will only be allowed with proper documentation showing the amount was paid to us and later returned to the retailer.

Excess excise tax collection can occur in the following situations:

Excess Excise Tax Remitted, later Returned to Retailer

If you paid excess excise tax to us that was later returned to a retailer, enter the amount in this field. Proper documentation must be kept to support any amount reported here. We may request documentation from you before this credit is accepted. Documentation may include but is not limited to:

Cultivation Tax Information

Beginning July 1, 2022, the cultivation tax no longer applies to harvested cannabis entering the commercial market. Distributors and manufacturers (including microbusinesses authorized to distribute or manufacture) are no longer required to collect the cultivation tax from cultivators.

Cultivation tax is not due on harvested cannabis entering the commercial market on or after July 1, 2022, even if you received cannabis from a cultivator prior to July 1, 2022. Any cultivation tax collected on harvested cannabis that enters the commercial market on or after July 1, 2022, is considered excess cultivation tax collected and must be returned to the cultivator that originally paid the cultivation tax, or if unable to be returned to the cultivator, paid to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA).

From January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2022, a cultivation tax was imposed on cultivators on all harvested cannabis that enters the commercial market.

The cultivation tax is based on the category and weight of cannabis that a cultivator sells or transfers to a manufacturer or distributor and shall be consistent with the weight and category of the cannabis that a cultivator records in the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace (CCTT) system.

The cultivation tax is due once the cannabis or cannabis products enters the commercial market. To properly calculate the cultivation tax due, it is important that you know the weight in ounces of each category of cannabis that enters the commercial market. Partial ounces, rounded to the nearest hundredth, must be included in the calculation of the cultivation tax due.

Report the total ounces of cannabis (including ounces of cannabis designated as trade samples and medicinal cannabis designated for donation), for each cultivation tax category, that entered the commercial market during the reporting period. Then report the ounces of cannabis that were designated as trade samples and medicinal cannabis that a cultivator designates for donation in the CCTT system. The system will calculate the ounces of cannabis to which the cultivation tax will apply for each category.

Excess Cultivation Tax

Cultivation tax collected prior to July 1, 2022, on harvested cannabis that entered the commercial market on or after July 1, 2022, is considered excess cultivation tax collected and must be returned to the cultivator that originally paid it. A distributor who has collected excess cultivation tax and is not able to return it to the cultivator that originally paid it, must report the excess cultivation tax collected on their next cannabis tax return and pay it to CDTFA. A manufacturer who has collected excess cultivation tax and is not able to return it to the cultivator that originally paid it, must transfer that amount collected to a distributor for the distributor to report it as excess cultivation tax collected on their next cannabis tax return.

Each licensee in a transaction should keep clear records to document, as applicable, when excess cultivation tax was collected or not collected, returned to a cultivator, transferred to a distributor, or when excess cultivation tax was paid to CDTFA. Such documentation serves as evidence that you did not collect and retain any excess cultivation tax, which protects you from liability for any excess cultivation tax collected.

Enters the Commercial Market

Cannabis enters the commercial market when the cannabis or cannabis products pass the required testing and quality assurance review, as described in section 26110 of the Business and Professions Code.

Penalty Information

The Cannabis Tax Law imposes a mandatory 50 percent penalty for failure to pay the amount of cultivation tax or cannabis excise tax due.

If you fail to pay the cannabis taxes by your due date, you may be relieved of the 50 percent penalty if we find that your failure to timely pay was due to reasonable cause and circumstances beyond your control, and occurred notwithstanding the exercise of ordinary care and absence of willful neglect. Additional penalty and interest may be assessed per Fee Collection Procedures Law section 55042.

Filing Instructions for Cannabis Distributors (Tax Returns for July 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022)

What are you reporting?

Select “Yes” or “No”

Are you reporting excise tax on cannabis or cannabis products?

Are you reporting excess cultivation tax collected?

Please note: If you selected “Yes”, you will be asked to provide additional information about the subject.

If you select “No”, no further information will be requested on that subject.

If you have no taxable transactions to report, select “No” for each question.

Click “Next”

Excise Tax on Cannabis

Enter the average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis and cannabis products to cannabis retailers in arm's length transactions.

Enter the average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis or cannabis products to cannabis retailers in nonarm's length transactions.

The total average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis or cannabis products will automatically be calculated by the system.

15 percent excise tax rate (the system will automatically determine this rate).

Excise Tax Due (the system will automatically calculate this amount).

Add excess excise tax collected, if any. If you have collected more tax than what is due (excess excise tax) for this reporting period, enter the amount of excess excise tax collected.

Less excess excise tax previously remitted, later returned to retailer. If you have returned any remitted excess excise tax to your retailer during this reporting period, enter the amount of excess excise tax that was remitted, and returned to your retailer. Documentation may be requested to support this amount.

Total cannabis excise tax due (the system will automatically calculate this item).

Please note: For additional information on the cannabis excise tax, see Cannabis Excise Tax Information above.

Click “Next”

Excise Tax on Cannabis Collected

Enter the total excess cultivation tax collected, if any, that could not be returned to the cultivator that originally paid it.

Please note: For additional information on the cannabis excise tax, see Cultivation Tax Information above.

Click “Next”

Department of Cannabis Control license number

Enter your Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) license number below.

Your site location address will be displayed but you must “Add DCC License Number” in the box provided.

This screen will not appear if you have already provided your DCC license number for your site location(s).

Click “Next”

Filing Instructions for Cannabis Distributors (Tax Returns for January 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022)

What are you reporting?

Select “Yes” or “No” for each question.

Are you reporting excise tax on cannabis or cannabis products?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on cannabis flowers?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on cannabis leaves?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on fresh cannabis plant?

Please note: If you selected “Yes”, you will be asked to provide additional information about the subject.

If you select “No”, no further information will be requested on that subject.

If you have no taxable transactions to report, select “No” for each question.

Click “Next”

Excise Tax on Cannabis

Enter the average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis and cannabis products to cannabis retailers in arm's length transactions.

Enter the average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis or cannabis products to cannabis retailers in nonarm's length transactions.

The total average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis or cannabis products will automatically be calculated by the system.

15 percent excise tax rate (the system will automatically calculate this rate).

Excise Tax Due (the system will automatically calculate this amount).

Add excess excise tax collected, if any.

Less excess excise tax remitted, later returned to retailer.

Total cannabis excise tax due (the system will automatically calculate this item).

Please note: For additional information on cannabis excise tax, see Cannabis Excise Tax Information above.

Click “Next”

Schedule A – Cultivation Tax on Cannabis Flowers

In the empty field below the Year of Original Sale/Transfer from Cultivator column, select the current or prior year(s) from the drop down menu. The year selected is the year when the original sale/transfer of cannabis flowers from a cultivator occurred.

In the Total Ounces column, enter the total ounces of cannabis flowers that entered the commercial market for each selected year, including any ounces of cannabis flowers that were donated or given as trade samples.

In the Ounces Donated column, enter the total ounces of medicinal cannabis flower designated for donation that entered the commercial market for each selected year.

In the Ounces of Trade Samples column, enter the total ounces of cannabis flower designated as trade samples that entered the commercial market for each selected year.

The Total Ounces Exempt from Cultivation Tax, Total Taxable Ounces, Cultivation Tax Rate per Ounce, and Cultivation Tax Due for each year will automatically be calculated by the system.

The system will automatically calculate the Total Cultivation Tax Due on Cannabis Flowers.

Please note: For additional information on cultivation tax, see Cultivation Tax Information above.

Click “Next”

Schedule B – Cultivation Tax on Cannabis Leaves

In the empty field below the Year of Original Sale/Transfer from Cultivator column, select the current or prior year(s) from the drop down menu. The year selected is the year when the original sale/transfer of cannabis leaves from a cultivator occurred.

In the Total Ounces column, enter the total ounces of cannabis leaves that entered the commercial market for each selected year, including any ounces of cannabis leaves that were donated or given as trade samples.

In the Ounces Donated column, enter the total ounces of medicinal cannabis leaves designated for donation that entered the commercial market for each selected year.

In the Ounces of Trade Samples column, enter the total ounces of cannabis leaves designated as trade samples that entered the commercial market for each selected year.

The Total Ounces Exempt from Cultivation Tax, Total Taxable Ounces, Cultivation Tax Rate per Ounce, and Cultivation Tax Due for each year will automatically be calculated by the system.

The system will automatically calculate the Total Cultivation Tax Due on Cannabis Leaves.

Please note: For additional information on cultivation tax, see a Cultivation Tax Information above.

Click “Next”

Schedule C – Cultivation Tax on Fresh Cannabis Plant

In the empty field below the Year of Original Sale/Transfer from Cultivator column, select the current or prior year(s) from the drop down menu. The year selected is the year when the original sale/transfer of fresh cannabis plant from a cultivator occurred.

In the Total Ounces column, enter the total ounces of fresh cannabis plant that entered the commercial market for each selected year, including any ounces of fresh cannabis plant that were donated or given as trade samples.

In the Ounces Donated column, enter the total ounces of medicinal fresh cannabis plant designated for donation that entered the commercial market for each selected year.

In the Ounces of Trade Samples column, enter the total ounces of fresh cannabis plant designated as trade samples that entered the commercial market for each selected year(s).

The Total Ounces Exempt from Cultivation Tax, Total Taxable Ounces, Cultivation Tax Rate per Ounce, and Cultivation Tax Due for each year will automatically be calculated by the system.

The system will automatically calculate the Total Cultivation Tax Due on Fresh Cannabis Plant.

Please note: For additional information on cultivation tax, see Cultivation Tax Information above.

Click “Next”


All the totals below will be automatically populated based on your previous entries. Penalty and Interest will also be calculated if applicable.

Total cannabis excise tax due

Total cultivation tax due

Total amount of tax due

A 10 percent penalty is added for returns or payments made after the original due date. An additional penalty of 50 percent is added for payments made after the original due date.

Total amount due and payable

If you would like to print a draft of your return prior to submission, click on the Save Draft button displayed below.

Click “Next”

Department of Cannabis Control license number

Enter your Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) license number below.

Your site location address will be displayed but you must “Add DCC License Number” in the box provided.

This screen will not appear if you already provided your DCC license number for your site location(s).

Click Next

Your Information

I hereby certify that this return, including accompanying documents and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct, and complete.

Are you a paid preparer? Choose “Yes” or “No”

Click “Next”

Declaration of Intent

Enter your password and click “OK”


This provides confirmation of your return filing only. Please read carefully. You have the option to print the return by clicking on the Print Return (PDF) button. If you are finished, click “I'm Done.”

Filing Instructions for Cannabis Distributors (Tax Returns prior to 2022)

What are you reporting?

Select “Yes” or “No”

Are you reporting excise tax on cannabis?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on cannabis flowers?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on cannabis leaves?

Are you reporting cultivation tax on fresh cannabis plant?

The items you answered yes too, will display in the next screens and you will be asked to complete.

Click “Next”

Please note: for the questions you select “No” they will not appear on your screen as an option to complete.

Excise Tax on Cannabis

Enter total average market price on sales/transfers of cannabis.

15% excise (the system will automatically calculate this item).

Add excess excise tax collected, if any.

Less excess excise tax remitted, later returned to retailer.

Total cannabis excise tax due (the system will automatically calculate this item).

Click “Next”

Cultivation Tax on Cannabis Flowers

Enter total dry-weight ounces of flowers that entered the commercial market.

Total cultivation tax due on flowers (rate per ounce will be displayed here) and the system will automatically calculate this item.

Click “Next”

Cultivation Tax on Cannabis Leaves

Enter total dry-weight ounces of leaves that entered the commercial market.

Total cultivation tax due on leaves (rate per ounce will be displayed here) and the system will automatically calculate this item.

Click “Next”

Cultivation Tax on Fresh Cannabis Plant

Enter total ounces of fresh cannabis plant that entered the commercial market.

Total cultivation tax due on fresh cannabis plant (rate per ounce will be displayed here) and the system will automatically calculate this item.

Click “Next”


All the totals below will be automatically populated based on your previous entries. Penalty and Interest will also be calculated if due.

Total cannabis excise tax due

Total cultivation tax due

Total amount of tax due


A 10% penalty is added for returns or payments made after the original due date. An additional penalty of 50% is added for payments made after the original due date.


Total amount due and payable

If you would like to print a draft of your return prior to submission, click on the “Save Draft” button displayed below.

Click “Next”

Department of Cannabis Control license number

Enter your Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) license number below.

Your site location address will be displayed but you must “Add DCC License Number” in the box provided.
Please note: this screen will not appear if you already provided your DCC license number for your site location(s).

Click “Next”

Your Information

I hereby certify that this return, including accompanying documents and statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct, and complete.

Are you a paid preparer? Choose “Yes or No”

Click “Next”

Declaration of Intent

Enter your password and Click “OK”


This provides confirmation of your return filing only. Please read carefully. You have the option to print the return by clicking on the “Print Return (PDF)” button or click “I'm Done”.

Cannabis Retailer Excise Tax Return

General Information

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) administers the Cannabis Tax Law, which imposes a cannabis excise tax upon purchasers of cannabis or cannabis products sold in this state at 15% of the gross receipts from the retail sale. Effective January 1, 2023, cannabis retailers are responsible for reporting and paying the cannabis excise tax to us.

Filing Requirements

All cannabis retailers and microbusinesses authorized to sell cannabis or cannabis products at retail are required to file theCannabis Retailer Excise Tax Return electronically on or before the last day of the month following the reporting period for which the cannabis excise tax is due. For example, the reporting period for 1Q ends March 31 and the returns for 1Q are due at the end of the following month on or before April 30. A return must be filed each reporting period even if there are no taxable transactions to report.

Payment for the amount due must be submitted by the due date of the return.

Penalties and Interest

The penalty for filing a late return and/or late payment is ten percent of the amount due for the period. In addition, the Cannabis Tax Law imposes a mandatory minimum fifty percent penalty for not paying the amount of cannabis excise tax due on or before the due date.

Interest also applies to late payments for each month, or fraction of a month, that the payment is late.

Cannabis Retail Sales

Are you reporting cannabis excise tax due on your sales of cannabis or cannabis products?

If you made retail sales of cannabis or cannabis products for this reporting period, select Yes and then Next to proceed to the Summary by Location screen (refer to the Summary by Location sectionbelow for more information).

If you have no taxable sales of cannabis or cannabis products for this reporting period, select No.

Summary by Location

A list of cannabis retailer sites that are currently registered to your account is displayed.

Note: If you have a new cannabis retail location not listed, or need to update a location's name, please add or update the business location for your sales and use tax account before filing your Cannabis Retailer Excise Tax Return.

To add or update a business location, select your sales and use tax account from your online account homepage, and under the I Want To section, select the More option and then select Register a New Location to add a new location or select Add/Edit a Location Name to update an existing location's name.

Retail Sales of Cannabis or Cannabis Products by Location

Total Gross Receipts. Enter the total gross receipts from retail sales of cannabis or cannabis products for each site location during this reporting period.